When that MoCo Council Light Bulb Turns On

Some times you can just sit back and watch the light bulbs finally come on inside the County Council. To bad intelligent ideas are contagious but even if they were some members of the Council (talking to you, Craig and Roger) would wear biohazard suits to prevent being infected.uber2







How many times has True Montgomery said a new business model for taxi service in the county was needed? Here’s a no brainer I didn’t see in the discussion, as Uber and services like it are app-based, some feature needs to be added to ensure seniors and the disabled


are assured great service that Uber provides..but not the continued customer service

deprivation experience that Barwood and their kinds gives.

Then…here’s a real revelation, perhaps that customer focus could extend to the county departm

ents and agencies. Wait. No. That won’t happen. Biohazard suits and all, you know.








Want to Make $40K in Overtime? Drive a Montgomery County RideOn Bus

bus-rte45-bytompogueFor a county packed with supposedly financially savvy people (tongue firmly in cheek here), True Montgomery nearly fell out of her chair when she learned that Ride On Bus operators made upwards of $40,0000 in overtime pay…driving a bus. In some cases it pushed their yearly salary to nearly $100,000.

But look for yourself. In fiscal year 2013, more than 1/2 of the bus operators listed on Montgomery Data racked up overtime upwards of more than $20,000 a year….some pay reaching up to $40,000 and pushing salaries close to $100,000.

https://data.montgomerycountymd.gov/w/npry-tv5q/tdqt-sri3?cur=SPVIzfPK_Yd&from=rootRideon Bus 2013

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For a minute, let’s review. Ride On buses are rarely on time. Sometimes they just don’t show up. They break down often, the doors – especially the back doors tend not to work well, if at all. The drivers are rarely pleasant, but even when they are, they don’t know their routes well enough to tell passengers how to get to their destination..and to kids, well…just don’t let your kids travel alone on a Ride On Bus.

True Montgomery has taken to carrying around a photo on her tablet of the notice post on on some fare boxes that specifically tell Youth Cruiser cardholders NOT to swipe their cards between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m., just show it to the driver. Most of the operators have no idea what the rules are. And the bus operators in most instances can’t tell you what you would have to pay to transfer from or from Metrobus or Metrorail.

So…back to the salary issue.  $40K. For all the unemployed or underemployed workers in the county who try to get benefits from Health and Human Services, now wouldn’t it be cheaper tap that pool to hire an extra driver? One of the things that both operators and transit officials have moaned about is that a shortage of operators exists in the system. Really? Obviously there is enough cash to go around. We’re speechless.

We can only think of the old county adage. Have a problem, just throw some cash at it. If it’s a big problem, throw a lot of cash at it. Bus operators here are catching a lot of that money…just driving in circles.